"Top Gun: Maverick" Makes A Change That Could Anger China

"Top Gun: Maverick" Makes A Change That Could Anger China "Top Gun: Maverick" features Tom Cruise's character wearing a bomber jacket with the Taiwanese flag,

Russian-made fighter jets in his remake of the 1986 classic "Top Gun": He's also angering China. 

The sequel "Top Gun: Maverick" features Cruise's character wearing a bomber jacket with the Taiwanese flag, 

The flag was either missing or couldn't be seen properly in a trailer for the film in 2019 

Maverick topped the Memorial Day weekend charts in North America, taking in an estimated $124 million in ticket sales 

Hollywood has a long tradition of bowing to pressure from Chinese censors, 

"Hollywood is now pushing back," Chris Fenton, a former movie executive who wrote "Feeding the Dragon: